Major Activities
Group Formation:
- Formation of 150 Self-help Groups (SHGs) including existing 100 primary groups
People Organization Formation:
- Formation of 12 Union Federations (UFs) and make them functional
- Formation of an Apex Body (AB) and make it functional
Staff Capacity development Training:
- Project orientation for staffs
- Training on project management , report writing and documentation for staffs
- Training on Participatory Impact Monitoring and Evaluation for staffs
- Training on Advocacy and lobbing for staffs
- Training on PO's development and its sustainability for staffs
- Training on Financial Management
Awareness creation training:
- Training on group and leadership development for group members & leaders
- Refreshers Training on group development and leadership for group members leaders
- Training on accounts management & records keeping for groups cashier
- Refreshers Training on accounts management & records keeping for groups group cashier
- Training on capacity development on Entrepreneurship for group members
- Training on climate change issues for group members
- Training on advocacy and lobbing for UFs and ABs leaders
Skill development Training:
- Training on Poultry (layer and broiler)for group members
- Training on Cow rearing for group members
- Training on Goat /pig rearing for group members
- Training on Vegetable and homestead gardening for group members
- Training on Ensure Sustainable Agriculture Through Integrated Pest Management Practice for group members
- Organizing monthly progress review meetings of project staffs
- Advocacy Meeting with District Administration Officials and other stakeholders
- Organize monthly meeting of UFs members
- Organizing Bi-monthly meeting of ABs
- Advocacy meeting with GOB service providers, NGO's, Po's & SHG leaders
- Coordination meeting with Bengali and Adibashi community leaders
- Day observations 4X4=16 (4 years) and campaign on social issues.
- Workshop for different Professionals , Local government Representatives and people’s organization leaders
- Workshop with Union Chairmen, members, UF leaders
- Workshop on develop constitution of SHG and PO's
- Workshop on annual planning and review session of SHGs
- Annual gathering of the group members
Strengthening Peoples Organization:
- Training on leadership development & accounts management for UFs & ABs leaders
- Training on information collection & documents preservation for UFs & ABs leaders
- Training on communication skill development for UFs & ABs leaders
Solar home system & Bio-gas Plants:
- Operation & maintenance Training on SHS for 18 staffs
- Operation & maintenance Training on SHS for 420 users
- Operation & maintenance training on Bio-gas plant for 18 staffs
- Operation & maintenance training on Bio-gas for 160 users
Income Generating Activities:
- Provide loan support for IGA activities for 2000-2100 beneficiaries.
Main project implementation
- Project is implemented following integrated development strategy where SHGs and their two tires UFs and AB plays key roles in their own development such as social cohesiveness building, awareness raising, leadership and still development, income generations, installing SHS and Bio-gas plants and increase access in public services. Where promotion of gender equality, child rights and climate change as cross cutting issue in project.
- Solidarity and cohesiveness development among the community people (through formation of SHGs, UFs and AB). This strategy is facilitated by the Community Facilitator under the guidance of Supervisor;
- The project forms a Project Implementation Committee (PIC) for selecting beneficiaries of SHS and Biogas plant. At the same time they supervise overall activities of installation of SHS and Biogas plant jointly DMSS respective staff. The committee is formed with the member of primary group, UFs, ABs leaders, local community leaders, representatives of Union Parishad, DMSS field staff and local women leader consisting 07 members.
- Formation of UFs comprising 5 EC members of each SHGs of the Union. There are 05 members in each executive committee of 150 primary groups. Therefore, total numbers of EC members are 150 x 5 = 750. Thus, 750/12=60+ members are general body members of Union federation. Taking from 60+ members of Union Federation they form an executive committee consists of 07 members who operates all kinds of activities of Union Federation. Thus, the structure of Union Federation is formed with 60+ members that are of General Body and 07 members are of EC. Outcome of 60+ members per union federation, higher in number are: i) Representation of all primary groups are ensured, ii) General meeting are fruitful, iii) Voice to be raised against any injustice, iv) Solidarity to be strengthened.
- Apex body is formed by taking 03 Executive Committee (EC) members from each of 12 Union Federation (UF) as General members of 36. These General Members forms the Executive committee of 11-members for Apex body through direct voting. The Executive Committee is valid for a period of three (3) years. Thus, after every three years new Executive Committee will be formed or elected. Later stage the Apex Body will be registered with relevant Government authority to get its own legal identity. Having such legal identity is helpful to get various government facilities/grants in favour of this Apex Body. The main responsibilities of this Apex Body is (1) Organize the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Apex Body in every two months, (2) Organize Annual General Meeting of Apex Body for the general members, (3) To monitor and evaluate the activities of groups and Union Federations, (4) Advocacy, Lobbying and Networking for tapping local resources (both from government and non-government sources) in favour of the group members, (5) Initiate and organize social movement in case of any injustices with a view to establish justice, (6) Raising fund for the Apex Body. The fund raising process will start after formation of the Apex Body and after having clearer understanding on the aims and objectives of the Apex Body. This assumes to be started tentatively from the 3rd year of the project. However, more details regarding aims, objectives, responsibilities and liabilities will be articulated in the bylaws of the Apex Body.
- Access to and linkage with public services through local level advocacy and lobby which triggers the rights and entitlements of the target people.
Outputs and corresponding Activities of the Project
To produce the declared outputs at an expected level, DMSS maximizes its capacity and reduce furcated risks that are involved with the project. DMSS tries to remove the risks in order to make the area situation conducive for operating the activities at their utmost level.
Output 1: The targeted Adibashi community members and Bengali hardcore poor people are organized into manageable 150 self-help groups (SHGs) and SHGs are functional.
- Forming and making functional 150 Self-help Groups (SHGs) including existing 85 groups (formed in piloting phase)
- Hold annual planning and review session of SHGs
Output 2: The self-help group members are supported to form larger people’s organizations/CBOs (12 Union Federations- UFs and 3 Upazila People’s Organization-UPOs), and the leaders of the people’s organizations acquire the necessary capacity to make their UFs functional and sustainable.
- Design awareness raising sessions on social and climate change issues and facilitate them in weekly meeting
- Formation of 12 Union Federations (UF) and make them functional
- Formation of 3 Upazila People’s Organizations (UPO) and make them functional
- Develop constitution/ by-laws of SHG, UF and UPO through 3 on-day workshops
- Design and conduct advocacy and lobby training for UF and UPO leaders
- Conduct and facilitate community monitoring by SHGs, UFs and UPO
- Design and conduct Adolescent Leadership and Life-skill development training courses
- Day observations (4X4= 16 events) and campaign on social issues
Output 3: The targeted group members are supported in Installation of 420 Solar Home System (SHS).
- Installation of Solar Home System (SHS)- 50 Watts 420 sets
- Training on Climate change issues for group members ( 30 person x 2 batch each year
Output 4: The targeted group members are supported in construction of 160 Biogas Plants.
- Installation of Bio-gas (mainly from cow-dung)
Output 5: Improving livelihood through skill development and small capital supply (3500 units) for creating diversified work opportunity, thus, increasing income of the targeted group members.
- Design, organize and conduct skill development training courses for SHG and their family members on Poultry (layer and broiler), Cow fattening, Cow rearing,
- Goat/sheep/pig rearing courses, Vegetable and homestead gardening.
- Design and conduct group development and leadership training courses (12 batches)
- Training on Credit Mgt. for group members ( 30 person x 3 batch each year
- Provide financial support (Loan) for IGA activities 2100 project participants for four year of the project period.
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